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Aegis Admin

Seychelles Update - Supplementary Guidance on Accounting Records and Financial Summary Submission

Following the previous update on Seychelles International Business Companies (Amendment) Act, here comes the supplementary guidance and clarification on the submission of accounting records and financial summary:-

#1: Accounting Record

Original language version of the accounting records can be provided, no translation is required at this point of time

#2: Financial Summary

It should include balance sheet and income statement, the summary format can be in self-contained version

#3: Submission Method - Annually

Financial summary must be provided before 30 June each year.

For small holding company (i.e. annual turnover less that ~USD3,800,000), only accounting records are required for submission

#4: Notes

If there is a change of location of books and records, resolution or minutes for the change and the location of books and records (NOTICE OF LOCATIN OF COMPANY RECORDS) and its annual return must be provided within 14 days

Contact us should you need further information



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